
Showing posts from July, 2024
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Google says it will reduce some user access to California news sites - Los Angeles Times

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Google says it will reduce some user access to California news sites    Los Angeles Times Google says it will reduce some user access to California news sites - Los Angeles Times

Latest Legal News | Today's Breaking Headlines - Reuters

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Latest Legal News | Today's Breaking Headlines    Reuters Latest Legal News | Today's Breaking Headlines - Reuters
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When Critical Drugs Run Short, Who You Gonna Call? - Managed Healthcare Executive

[unable to retrieve full-text content] When Critical Drugs Run Short, Who You Gonna Call?    Managed Healthcare Executive When Critical Drugs Run Short, Who You Gonna Call? - Managed Healthcare Executive

Outbreak of Human Trichinellosis — Arizona, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 2022 | MMWR - CDC

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Outbreak of Human Trichinellosis — Arizona, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 2022 | MMWR    CDC Outbreak of Human Trichinellosis — Arizona, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 2022 | MMWR - CDC
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New Vaccines in the Pipeline 2020

meningococcemia :: Article Creator Popular Oregon Freshman, 18, Dies 'unexpectedly': Health Officials Investigate Whether She Succumbed To Sudden Bacterial Infection Lauren Jones died on Tuesday after seeking medical attention, college said She was a popular member of the University of Oregon acrobatics team Officials say infection meningococcemia may have caused her death By Ted Thornhill for MailOnline Lauren Jones, 18, a popular member of the University of Oregon acrobatics and tumbling team, passed away 'unexpectedly' A University of Oregon student died suddenly yesterday with public health officials investigating whether a bacterial infection was the cause. Lauren Jones, 18, a popular member of the acrobatics and tumbling team, passed away 'unexpectedly' after seeking medical attention, the college said in a statement. Rob Mullens, from the college's Athletics department, wrote to students explaining that bacterial inf...

When Diarrhea Is More Serious Than You Think

i have chills but no fever :: Article Creator Do I Have A Cold Or COVID? Does It Matter? July 22, 2024 – The summer COVID-19 bump is here, and growing, but there's some relatively good news, too.  For many, the symptoms don't last nearly as long as they once did. And some doctors are taking a more lenient approach to COVID testing – especially since tests are no longer free – saying they are OK with people who are mildly ill simply isolating until the symptoms go away.  So, can we view COVID 2024 as nothing more annoying than the common cold? Not so fast, experts said. That's misguided, incorrect, and potentially dangerous. "We cannot assign COVID to the category of the common cold by any margin," said William Schaffner, MD, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.  "Wishful thinking," agreed Eric J. Topol, MD, editor-at-large of Medscape,...
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. اضطراب عصبي مرتبط COVID-19 أوراق لا شلت رجال الاطفاء - WMC

ما هو التهاب الدماغ وكيف يموت 53 طفلا في الهند؟ - أخبار الخليج ما هو التهاب الدماغ وكيف يموت 53 طفلا في الهند؟ - جلف نيوز تاريخ النشر: 16 يونيو 2019 05:56 PDT مظفربور: الأطفال تظهر أعراض متلازمة التهاب الدماغ الحاد (AES) الذين يتلقون العلاج في مستشفى في مظفربور، الثلاثاء 11 يونيو، 2019. ما لا يقل عن عشرة من الأطفال في المدينة توفي عندك بسبب المرض بينما يعالج كثيرون ممن في عدة مستشفيات. (كونا صور) (PTI6_11_2019_000098B) الصورة الائتمان: PTI A يصل الطفل في المستشفى يعانون من متلازمة التهاب الدماغ الحاد نتيجة لرد فعل أفراد العائلة، في حي مظفربور من BiharWith وفاة 53 طفلا بسبب التهاب الدماغ في منطقة مظفر بور في ولاية بيهار في الهند في الأيام ال 10 الماضية، ويلات هذا المرض الفيروسي تمت إعادة اندلعت، مما أثار مخاوف جدية حول طبيعتها المتكررة. بين عامي 2008 و 2014، كان هناك أكثر من 44000 حالة وفاة ما يقرب من 6000 . اضطراب عصبي مرتبط COVID-19 أوراق لا شلت رجال الاطفاء - WMC

مجدفين خمسة هونج كونج التأهل لبطولة العالم في الأماكن المغلقة - ساوث تشاينا مورنينج بوست

ما هو التهاب الدماغ وكيف يموت 53 طفلا في الهند؟ - أخبار الخليج ما هو التهاب الدماغ وكيف يموت 53 طفلا في الهند؟ - جلف نيوز تاريخ النشر: 16 يونيو 2019 05:56 PDT مظفربور: الأطفال تظهر أعراض متلازمة التهاب الدماغ الحاد (AES) الذين يتلقون العلاج في مستشفى في مظفربور، الثلاثاء 11 يونيو، 2019. ما لا يقل عن عشرة من الأطفال في المدينة توفي عندك بسبب المرض بينما يعالج كثيرون ممن في عدة مستشفيات. (كونا صور) (PTI6_11_2019_000098B) الصورة الائتمان: PTI A يصل الطفل في المستشفى يعانون من متلازمة التهاب الدماغ الحاد نتيجة لرد فعل أفراد العائلة، في حي مظفربور من BiharWith وفاة 53 طفلا بسبب التهاب الدماغ في منطقة مظفر بور في ولاية بيهار في الهند في الأيام ال 10 الماضية، ويلات هذا المرض الفيروسي تمت إعادة اندلعت، مما أثار مخاوف جدية حول طبيعتها المتكررة. بين عامي 2008 و 2014، كان هناك أكثر من 44000 حالة وفاة ما يقرب من 6000 مجدفين خمسة هونج كونج التأهل لبطولة العالم في الأماكن المغلقة - ساوث تشاينا مورنينج بوست
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6 Ways to Save on Delta Flights - NerdWallet

[unable to retrieve full-text content] 6 Ways to Save on Delta Flights    NerdWallet 6 Ways to Save on Delta Flights - NerdWallet

Globus Family of Brands Launches New Travel Advisor Portal and Education Platform - TravelAge West

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Globus Family of Brands Launches New Travel Advisor Portal and Education Platform    TravelAge West Globus Family of Brands Launches New Travel Advisor Portal and Education Platform - TravelAge West
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Wildlife in West Virginia - Types of West Virginian Animals

rare amphibians :: Article Creator Conservationists Fight To Save Critically Endangered Amphibians As Trump Guts Endangered Species Act This week, conservationists from the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife teamed up with curators at the Los Angeles Zoo to preserve the critically endangered species. They trekked up to the pools carrying the endangered tadpoles and frogs in specialized temperature controlled backpacks. Although zoos and other wildlife organizations sometimes face criticism over concerns about animal welfare, breeding and raising an "assurance colony" in captivity can be one of the last recourses for an endangered species. These captive assurance colonies, which are organized by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plans, are breeding programs that ensure a species won't go extinct even if it does so in th...

The Best Pet Camera | Reviews by Wirecutter

cape file snake :: Article Creator Snake Seen Hanging Out Of Car Speeding On Highway (Gray News) – A driver in Alabama saw something unusual hanging off of a car while traveling on the highway. Mark Thorne recorded a video of a snake that appears to be hanging out of the underside of a car as the vehicle passed by him on the highway. He said he witnessed the strange occurrence while traveling on Interstate 85 before getting off on exit 62 for Auburn and Opelika. Thorne posted the video to Facebook and garnered a lot of attention and many comments. Many of the commenters expressed their fear and disgust at the idea of having a snake in their vehicle. "Omg. If I were the driver, I wouldn't want to know. I would most likely crash the car," one commenter said. Other commenters expressed concern for the snake, as it appeared to be stuck and unable to get out of the car on its own. "The poor baby! I hope he made it to his desti...
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For Teen Girls, Rare Psychiatric Disorders Spread Like Viruses on Social Media - Mad in America

TikTok's "sick-role subculture" leads to children taking on the characteristics of rare psychiatric diagnoses, according to an article in Comprehensive Psychiatry. Kids—especially teenage girls—are presenting with self-described Tourette's, eating disorders, autism, and dissociative identity disorder (DID)—but suddenly, and in a way that doesn't match how these diagnoses have previously been identified. According to the researchers, identifying with and glamorizing rare disorders has become a way for teenage girls to express extreme negative emotions in a way that, rather than stigmatizing them, makes them feel part of a community and even feel unique and special. The researchers call it "psychosomatic social contagion." They write that the purpose "is to seek affirmation and/or draw attention to oneself to acquire social capital in online communities while simultaneously maintaining an unconventional peri-psychiatric identity that may mask feel...
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Anthem to Settle Insurance Violations - RealRadio804

As part of a settlement, Anthem will be following a 20 point plan to correct issues alleged by the State Corporation Commission. Virginia's  biggest health insurer  will pay $362,000 to settle hundreds of alleged violations of state insurance law, including assertions that in certain instances, it improperly denied claims and did not pay the right amount. Some were the same kind of issues the State Corporation Commission Bureau of Insurance found after an examination six years ago and that Anthem said it would fix, the bureau's latest examinations  of  two  of the firm's main operations found. Anthem paid $294,000 in  2020  to  settle those earlier allegations. In addition to the payment to settle the bureau's allegations, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield's HealthKeepers managed care plans agreed to a 30-point plan to correct issues an SCC Bureau of Insurance market...
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TGH Heart and Vascular Institute Opens First Satellite Clinic for Atrial Fibrillation in Tampa Bay - Florida Hospital News ...

with coronary artery disease the coronary arteries are :: Article Creator Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes, And Dementia: What's The Relationship? Comorbid coronary artery disease (CAD) and diabetes are associated with an increased risk for dementia, according to study findings published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology. Diabetes is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and those with comorbid CAD are at increased risk for myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular events. Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark hypothesized that patients with comorbid diabetes and CAD could also be at increased risk for dementia. The researchers sourced data for this study from nationwide registers in Denmark. Individuals (N=103,859) aged 65 and older who underwent coronary angiography between 2003 and 2021 were evaluated for dementia through 2022 on the basis of diabetes and CAD statuses. " [T]he risk of d...

5 things we now know about atrial fibrillation

carotid artery inflammation :: Article Creator Why It's Important To Start Talking About Inflammation And Heart Disease (BPT) - Did you know that cholesterol and inflammation are partners in causing heart attack and stroke? Inflammation is your body's internal fight against harmful conditions, but if it's on overtime, it can cause its own harm. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with heart disease, you may want to talk to your doctor about the role of cardiovascular inflammation — and what you can do about it. Because heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S.,[1] it's vital for those with risk factors for cardiovascular (CV) disease to learn how they may be able to help prevent a significant cardiac event like a heart attack or stroke from happening to them. A recent study demonstrated that among people already taking cholesterol-lowering statins, residual vascular inflammation strongly predicts future CV events —...